Melanie’s started out as a popular clothing and underwear boutique for classy ladies in
Stellenbosch in 1998. Since then, Melanie’s have always offered excellent service to
their clients, and as a result managed to build up a client base consisting of very loyal
customers supporting us over the years. The key to our success? Well, we have
never stopped growing and expanding our horizons, always searching for new and
different designers with the promise of excellent quality control.

“In 2020, we have decided to open our new Online store in order to reach ALL the beautiful ladies out there!!”
Melanies’ owners, Hermien Mulder and her daughter in law, Annchen Mulder, both
share a love for beautiful clothes and fashion. Hermien is a bra and swimwear
specialist and can assist any lady, no matter your shape or size. to find the perfect
fit. Since becoming a Mom, Annchen also started a Kiddies and baby range, consisting
of everything that is overload with cuteness and quality. Her youngest daughter
struggled with eczema for years, therefore her focus is always on finding brands using
the best, natural fabrics possible.
Our organic handmade Ebbies soap for kiddies and
babies, also originated from her daughters’ ongoing struggle with excema and allergies.
So, whether you are looking for a stylish outfit for a special occasion, quality
skincare products, a beautiful outfit for baby, or just something casual for work,
Melanies have got you covered. We also have a very fine range of swimwear and
shoes available.
When shopping at Melanies, you will always have the insurance of finding the best in
everything a lady wants and needs. We also believe in looking after the needs of the
elderly ladies in our community. Therefore, we do monthly visits to retirement
villages in and around Stellenbosch, Helderberg area and Northern Suburbs.